HRT’s suite of Enterprise Risk services provides tools and techniques to empower a manager with the ability to make business decisions from an informed and, therefore, cost beneficial perspective. While providing economic benefit or return on investment strategies, HRT’s unique approach quantifies impacts from issues such as regulatory requirements, senior management biases, public perception, and the environment.
As a measure of what can go wrong and how bad it is when it does go wrong, risk is an inherent part of all human activity. This is particularly true of processes involving flammable or toxic material. Every day, accidents occurring within these processes account for loss of human life, reduction in throughput, damage to capital assets, environmental effects, tarnished corporate reputations, and many other adverse impacts. HRT's Enterprise Risk services examines a full range of risks that endanger the enterprise.
Risk Tolerability Criteria for the basis for all decisions a company makes. Senior leadership attitudes and biases form the foundation for such decisions. HRT personnel are long experienced at gauging senior leadership risk biases and turning them into real tools for company decisions. Codifying risk biases allow the entire corporation to consistently approach risk decision-making. As a co-author of the industry standar for establishing risk tolerability criteria, HRT personnel set the standard for how companies establish guides for managing risk. We are experts in applying worldwide risk criteria, risk partitioning and other advanced concepts to producing real tools for a company's use.
A Safety Case is a statement of a plant's design and justificaiton for continued safe operation. It consists of a quantitative risk evaluation and demonstration that the risk is as low as reasonably practicable. It further presents the management systems in place to maintain the risk at that level.ects, tarnished corporate reputations, and many other adverse impacts. HRT personnel have developed multiple safety cases in jurisdictions around the world. In fact, our personnel were the first certified as competent to perform safety cases in Malaysia.
With each new endeavor, a venture’s likelihood of delivering its projected returns depends on the company’s approach to risk and the company’s understanding of the level of exposure. Without a full understanding of the inherent risks in a new venture or significant change in operating methods, the company’s exposure to loss may be significant. With the HRT approach to risk management, a company acquires a full understanding of elements of its intended operations that may adversely influence its business plan. The result: A significantly enhanced probability of meeting and exceeding its business plan objective.